Viral Video | Cobra and Mongoose Battle in Mid of a Road | Guess Who Wins

2 min

Cobra and Mongoose Battle

Videos of wild creatures are often shared and liked a lot on social media. Obvious reason behind this is because human beings don’t get to see such creatures in their daily life especially those living in urban areas. These days, a video clip featuring fight between two sworn enemies – a cobra and mongoose – which took place in middle of a road has gone viral. Check out the video to find out who wins.

Cobra and Mongoose Fight

As we know, cobra is a dangerous animal as its venom is deadly even for big animals like lions and tigers. Thus not many animals dare to pick up a fight with the cobra.

Cobra and Mongoose Fight

But Mongoose is one such creature who seems like an equal match for the cobra. Mongoose dodges the cobra’s bite due to his agility and can even counter attack with its strong jaws.

Cobra and Mongoose Fight

As they are an equal match, fight between cobra and mongoose is very interesting to watch but sadly it ends with one of them dying.

Cobra and Mongoose Fight

The 1-minute long video clip of cobra-mongoose fight has been shared by Susanta Nanda who is reportedly associated with Indian Foreign Service. In the video clip, it can be seen that both the creatures fought fiercely.

The cobra can be seen trying to bite the mongoose and insert its venom, whereas the mongoose swiftly dodges the cobra. In the end, the mongoose caught hold of cobra’s mouth and put it down.

This video clip has so far garnered more than 23000 views and has got nearly 1000 likes and 200 re-tweets.

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