Video Clips of Irresponsible People Who Ignored PM Modi’s Appeal to Stay at Home at 9 PM on 5th April

1 min

People Came out on streets on 5th April

Amid the ongoing nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had appealed that on 5th April (9.00 pm for 9 minutes), everyone should light diyas/candles/torches/flashlights from balconies or windows of their home to demonstrate that we all stand together in these tough times and no one is alone.

In the video message to the nation the Prime Minister had clearly mentioned that nobody should come out on the roads for this activity and should strictly stay within their homes.

As the clock struck 9.00, surreal visuals were seen from various parts of the countries where the household lights were turned off and people came to their balconies and windows and lighted diyas/candles. But as anticipated, soon the over enthusiastic or shall we say ‘irresponsible’ lot of people took over.

At some places people came out on the streets and started moving around in groups which resembled a kind of a candle march.

Some people could be seen holding burning woodsticks in the hand and dancing together while shouting ‘Go Corona Go’.

In another video clip, a person tried to perform a circus trick of spitting fire from the mouth but failed miserably.

As most of you would remember, on 22nd March 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had called for Janta Curfew and on that day at 5 pm, people were requested to clap or bang thalis from their balconies and windows to applause the work done by doctors, nurses and medical staff. On that day hundreds of people came on street showing irresponsible, careless and ignorant behaviour.

Thus not on one but on two occasions, some people across India violated the social distancing norm as well as rules of lockdown – which are the only weapons that we have against coronavirus at this time.

Thank You

Team HopyTapy

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