China Sent Masks Made of Underwear to Pakistan | Shocking

2 min

China sent underwear masks to Pakistan

Pakistan, which is currently struggling against the coronavirus outbreak, recently had a bad experience from China, whom it actually considers to be a very close political ally.

China sent underwear masks to Pakistan

It so happened that China was supposed to send whole lot of high quality N95 masks and other medical equipment to support Pakistani Government in its fight against Coronavirus.

China sent underwear masks to Pakistan

But when the masks actually reached the end users i.e. the hospital in Pakistan, they were found to be made of underwear.

China sent underwear masks to Pakistan

This incidence immediately caught the eye of international media as well as social media users across the world. Even the local Pakistani News source referred to this incidence as ‘China ne Chuna Laga Diya’.

Humorous reactions started pouring in international diplomatic arena as Pakistan is considered to be a very close ally of China and China very often uses Pakistan to counter weight the growing prominence of India in Asian region.

China sending masks made of underwear is just one part of the story. Surprisingly the consignment of masks sent by China was not even checked by Pakistani authorities and was straight away dispatched to a hospital where it was supposed to be used. Once again the loopholes in Pakistani administration were exposed on account of this incidence.

China sent underwear masks to Pakistan

Any reaction or clarification about this incidence has yet not been issued by the Pakistani officials. It is to be noted that at the time of writing this article, more than 3000 coronavirus positive cases have been reported from Pakistan and 50 deaths have occurred due to it.

China sent underwear masks to Pakistan

China is the country where COVID 19 cases were first reported from. After intense measures such as nationwide and city wise lockdown, it has now got the situation under control and is currently helping other nations to deal with the critical situation.

China sent underwear masks to Pakistan

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